Higher Seminar in Cinema Studies – Stockholm Media Institute
Paper presentation: ‘Filmmaking as a practice to challenge the collective imaginary of migration’ along with film extracts of The People Behind the Scenes
The University of Manchester – Understanding Displacement in Visual Art and Cultural History: 1945 to Now Conference
Paper presentation: ‘The People Behind the Scenes. Exploring the afterlives of today’s images of forced displacement with film practice’
School of Advanced Studies University of London – On the Move & Moving On. (Re)Negotiations of Migration in Contemporary Literature and Film
Paper presentation: ‘When the people behind the scenes come to the fore: Mediterranean touristic venues as border zones of visual clash’.
Oxford Brookes University – ‘The Zero-sum game of economic migration: Integration through Rights?’ – 12 September 2022
Presentation of the film Being Filipina in Jordan (2017) by geographer Daphné Caillol
(Room JHB Kennedy Lecture Theatre)
IMISCOE 2022 Conference in Oslo – Challenging the Written Paradigm: Visual Methods as an epistemological tool for migration research
Academy of Art and Design, Basel – University of Applied Science and Arts, Northwestern Switzerland Teaching Artistic Strategies: Playing with Materiality, Aesthetics and Ambiguity
Imagining new ways of representing refugees. Teaching proposal
Storytelling the analogy between Contemporary Refugee and Atlantic Slavery. A screenwriting case.
Video recording here
Stockholm Institute of Media Studies – Higher Seminar – 17 March 2022
Beautiful Images, Contentious Politics: Visual Modes and Representation – Oxford Migration and Mobility Network – 15 February 2022
By considering how (im)mobility is captured and expressed via several media–including film, photography, apps involving virtual reality, and data visualization–this event aimed to foreground how beauty matters for public understandings, and what consequences this may have for societies, culture, and politics.
Covid-19, a lever for renewing the collective imaginary of migration?
at the 6th International Conference in Communication and Media Studies
25 – 26 November 2021
Center of Research and Communication for Peace, University of North Cyprus
Between the magical and the sordid. Art as a funerary rite for missing migrants paper presentation at Thanatic Ethics. The Circulation of Bodies in Migratory Spaces Workshop 2
29 September – 1 October 2021
University Paul Valery Montpellier 3, The Education University of Hong Kong, Maison Française of Oxford
Video of the panel Burial and Funerary Remembrance here.
10 July 2021 – Doing Women’s Film and Television History – Conference V
The Gomis. Investigating a woman positionality through European colonial history (1492–2015)
University of Maynooth, Ireland

18/05/2021 – Migrinter Seminar The Representations of Migration
The People Behind the Scenes. Essai filmique sur l’imaginaire collectif des migrations
Convenors: Dr. Brenda Le Bigot and Dr. Olivier Clochard
University of Poitiers, France
20/04/2021 – Racialisation & the Media – University of Oxford – Rothermere American Institute
The People Behind the Scenes. The place of mainstream media images in the collective imaginary of migration
Workshop and discussion
Convenors: Sage Goodwin and Cindy Ma
31/03/2021 – Bold New Voices in Migration Research – Immigration Initiative at Harvard
Panel Represent! Belonging, Power and Allyship
The People Behind the Scenes The cognitive frame of cinema as a tool for migration research
University of Oxford Centre on Migration, Policy and Society – COMPAS
Mobility and Migration Research Day
Visual motifs of migration and imaginary.
Presentation of a Creative-Critical Ph.D. through filmmaking
Screening and discussion of extracts of The People Behind the Scenes
University of Oxford, England

Meeting and screening of The People Behind the Scenes
Moving Image Seminar. Max Weber Centre
Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Lyon, France

Évanouissement et renaissance des images, grilles de lectures alternatives des politiques migratoires
Congrès du GIS Moyen-Orient et Mondes Musulmans
L’imaginaire méditerranéen à l’épreuve des crises des années 2010.
La contribution des artistes plasticiens du Maghreb à la Turquie.
CNRS, Institut des Migrations, Paris
Film Screening The People Behind the Scenes
Maison Française of Oxford
Followed by a discussion with Dr. Robin Wilson and Dr. Ruben Andersson. Convenor: Dr. Thomas Lacroix

Seminar of the Laboratory of Social Anthropology of Collège de France
Showing the imaginary of exile
Screening of ‘The People Behind the Scenes’
École Nationale Supérieure Louis Lumière, Paris, France
Soapbox presentation of 5 core texts on a decolonising reading list
Decolonising the curriculum: towards a manifesto
Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities (TORCH)
University of Oxford, England
Donner à voir l’imaginaire de l’exil : l’image absente comme grille de lecture des politiques migratoires
Puissance de l’image absente, journée d’étude
Université Grenoble-Alpes, France
Seminar of IMéRA – Institute for Advanced Study
Representing exile in the Mediterranean today (working title).
Mid-term review of a Critical Ph.D. by practice
Screening of ‘The People Behind the Scenes‘
Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Research (IméRA)
Marseille, France
Sound creation of the talk by Léa Hernandez on Radio Grenouille Podcast

What is a Decolonial Curriculum?
Championing Yogita Goyal’s text:
The Logic of Analogy: Slavery and the Contemporary Refugee
The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities
University of Oxford, England

Photography and Academic Research: Images in the Post-Truth Era
Changing the regimes of images to change the migratory regimes
Representing exile in the Mediterranean
Birkbeck College, University of London, England
19th Nordic Migration Conference
Representations of exile by the Mediterranean:
changing the nature of images to change opinions
University of Linköping, Sweden
Crossing Borders / Crossing Disciplines:
Rethinking Inclusion, Exclusion, and Human Mobility
Iconicity and recurrence of motifs:
a process of inclusion in the collective imaginary
Worcester College, University of Oxford, England
Commemoration and Creativity
Commemorate exile through images.
The commemorative function of the collective memory of images
The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities
University of Oxford, England
Cultures, Hopes and Conflicts.
The Mediterranean between Land and Sea
Changing the regimes of images to change the migratory regimes
Representing exile in the Mediterranean
ICSR Mediterranean Knowledge
University of Salerno, Italy
Imagining the Mediterranean
Changing regimes of images to change migratory regimes.
Representing exile in the Mediterranean
Institute of Modern Art of Valencia
Valencia, Spain